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Dr Ingrid Bucens

Dr Ingrid Bucens is General Paediatrician with passion for global child health. She has lengthy experience in both clinical paediatrics and in public health for mothers, babies and children.

Ingrid graduated from the University of Western Australia in 1987 and was admitted to the College of Physicians in 1997, having trained in paediatrics at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. She completed a Masters of Public Health (focussing on International health) at Monash University in Melbourne in 2005.

Ingrid worked as a consultant paediatrician at Royal Darwin Hospital from 1997-2001before beginning her work in East Timor which is, to this day, ongoing. In East Timor she has worked in all sectors of the health system, from government to UN agencies (Unicef, WHO), NGOs and in the hospital sector. For the last four years she has held joint hospital appointments at both Royal Darwin and the National Hospital in East Timor.

Ingrid’s particular interests include maternal – neonatal health (in particular breastfeeding); childhood cancer care and improving the quality of hospital care in general for neonates and children in resource poor settings.

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